Αν και η επίσημη τελετή ονοματοδοσίας του νέου αντιτορπιλικού DDG-1000,
που ήταν προγραμματισμένη για χθες 19 Οκτωβρίου αναβλήθηκε λόγω της
αναστολής λειτουργίας του αμερικανικού δημοσίου, αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι
δεν μπορούμε να ρίξουμε μια ματιά στο νέο πλοίο.
Πηγή US Navy/General Dynamics Bath Iron
Works, φωτογραφίες Michael C. Nutter και περισσότερα για το θέμα αλλά
και άλλο φωτογραφικό υλικό για το πλοίο στα στάδια κατασκευής του εδώ.
The class has a low radar profile; an integrated power system, which can send electricity to the electric drive motors or weapons, which may some day include a railgun[10] or free-electron lasers;[11] total ship computing environment infrastructure, serving as the ship's primary LAN and as the hardware-independent platform for all of the ship's software ensembles; automated fire-fighting systems and automated piping rupture isolation. The class is designed to require a smaller crew and be less expensive to operate than comparable warships. It will have a wave-piercing tumblehome hull form whose sides slope inward above the waterline. This will reduce the radar cross-section, returning much less energy than a more hard-angled hull form. As of January 2009, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that only four out of 12 of the critical technologies were mature.[12]
The lead ship will be named Zumwalt for Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, and carries the hull number DDG-1000. Originally 32 ships were planned, with the $9.6 billion research and development costs spread across the class, but as the quantity was reduced to 10, then 3, the cost-per-ship increased dramatically.[13][14] The cost increase caused the U.S. Navy to identify the program as being in breach of the Nunn–McCurdy Amendment on 1 February 2010.[15][16]
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